Making Money Online With Affiliate Programs

If you are like most work from home internet business owners you want your web site to be making you as much money as possible. The choice of affiliate programs that you choose to promote on your web site will determine how much money you actually make, and the options to you are endless. There are so many affiliate programs on the internet promoting almost everything imaginable its mind boggling.

Of coarse there is one major key to success. Stay relevant to your main web sites theme or subject matter. If for example you own a sports related web site and you add cosmetic and make up ads to it, chances are you are not going to do well. But if you put ads for health and fitness supplements on your sports oriented web site you may interest a few people into buying those products earning you a commission.

So if you have a work from home website were do you find good affiliate programs to join in order to earn commissions?

One of my top paying affiliate programs is Strong Future International. (SFI) Some of you no doubt have heard of SFI since thy have been around for quite a few years now And I have been an affiliate since November 1999. SFI products include everything from books magazines and business building tools to multivitamin supplements and all natural household cleaners. All can be promoted on your web site in order to earn commissions and make money online with your web site.

My next big commission generator is ClickBank. ClickBank is actually a directory of affiliate programs. People join ClickBank in order to promote their products online. Once they are in the ClickBank data base webmasters like you and me who are looking for good content and commissions from our web sites can join their affiliate programs and start earning money from sales generated. OH and did I mention ClickBank sends out commission checks very 2 weeks!

Affiliate Fuel pays both for leads and products sold, meaning you can actually earn commissions simply by referring people to a specific site. All the person has to do is click on a link that you place on your website which is directed to a page with a form to fill out. The person fills out the form requesting more info and bingo you are credited with the referral and awarded a commission.

Websponsors is another affiliate program much the same as Affiliate Fuel. These cost per action affiliate programs are great for adding revenue to your bottom line through your web site.

Last but not least Google ad sense has become so popular among webmasters you can see their ads on every other web site that you visit. With google you put ads on your site and you are actually paid every time someone clicks on those ads. In one month last August I made over $500 from Google ad sense alone.

Of coarse none of the above mentioned affiliate programs will make you a single dime unless your site is generating significant targeted traffic. But if you are already generating good quality targeted traffic to your site give them a try. You will be surprised at just how easy it is to make money online with affiliate programs.

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