Make Money Online - Latest Scam Disclosed

Before we start, I want to make it clear that this article is about scammers that affect people who make money online by selling digital products, like e-books, software, etc. and have a refund policy, because we have a rather long way until the end and, if you are selling physical product or you money online through affiliate programs that don't involve a refund policy it's probably just a waste of time.

In this article, I'll talk about the "refund policy scammers". Lately, more and more people started to talk about them on forums and came out with different solutions, which we will discuss in the second part of the article, "Make Money Online - Defend Against The Latest Scam".

"Refund policy" scammers, as I stated in the beginning, affect the people that make money online by selling digital products (software, e-books for eg.). Now, you're probably wondering what's their "modus operandi". Well, it's very simple. They just find websites that sell digital products and have a 100% money back guarantee, buy the product and then they tell you they want a refund because of crappy reasons, sometimes even impossible ones (they ask for a refund only minutes after they bought the product), but in the same time they keep the products.

More and more people who make money online with this kind of websites are complaining about these incredibly immoral scammers. You will find posts like: "I received this e-mail just one minute after they bought my e-book: "I am really disappointed about your e-book, I read it and it doesn't say anything new for me. Please give me a refund." And my e-book contains 80+ pages", "I am sorry but your script doesn't show me any results. Please give me a refund." I received this e-mail just one day after he bought and my script usually show results after about 30 days "

Now, you're wondering: "Does this affect my make money online business?". You bet it does. Some time ago, it wasn't such a big problem, because only few people did it. But, nowadays, more and more people are complaining about these scammers, indicating that this refund policy "virus" is spreading quite rapidly. Today, we can even talk about professional refund policy scammers, who put up lists of products worth thousands of dollars and do "their thing". And this is nothing. Some of these scammers have an incredible nerve. not only that they scam you, but then, they start selling your products claiming it's heir own (this happened with simple products like e-books and scripts) which is a major problem for your make money online business.

Now, you're probably asking yourself: "Can I make money online by selling products and, in the same time, keep this scammers away?". Well, there are several solutions, but not without consequences. The obvious solution is to get rid of the refund policy, but this will probably decrease your conversion rate. We will discuss this and some other solutions in the next part of this article. Stay tuned, we're half way there.

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